My favorite animal.

My favorite animal is the Horned Owl. The horned owl is named that because it looks like it has two horns on its head but actually it’s just the feathers sticking up. It’s two horns are called plumicorns. A horned owl has golden eyes which makes them very cool. Male horned owls can grow up 18 to 25 inches long and have a wingspan between 35 to 60 inches long. Female horned owl are the same as male owl but larger in size. A male weighs about 3 pounds while the female weighs about 4 1/2 pounds. Male horned owls mate for life and start at the age of 2 years old. Horned owls have very large territories. Male and Female defend them self and young ones from other species. Horned owls don’t build there nest but instead they take abandoned nest of another bird. Females horned owls lay from 2 to 3 eggs each year. Sometimes they can lay up to 5 eggs. Horned owls don’t migrate at all. Horned owls enemy is just other owls.       Horned Owls


  1. Thank you for sharing your post this week! I like owls as well. I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into your research and including a link, thank you!

    1. Have you read Guardians of Ga'hoole? If not you should. It is a fictional book series that has some facts about owls, you just need to read carefully to find them. There are also one or two movies as well.
      Here is my blog URL:
      This is your blogging friend Alex H.

  2. Thanks for posting. I love how the owl’s eyes are gold, now I got to see one. Visit my blog at


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